The Invisible College Trilogy: Two Years on…
This was indeed a proud moment when, two years ago, I received my five author’s copies of They Do Things Differently Here, book 1 of The Invisible College Trilogy. Over the past two years I have enjoyed many new experiences, including three appearances on BBC Essex Tony FisherLive, three more on Sarah Banham‘s Writer’s Block […] more…
Successful Book Signing at Waterstones Chelmsford
I was very pleased with my recent book signing at Waterstones Chelmsford on Saturday 29th October. I sold a number of copies of each book in the trilogy but also, and in many ways more importantly, the enthusiastic and energetic new manager, Sarah, has agreed to keep them in stock and has offered me another […] more…
Dust and Shadows: BBC Essex Interview with Tony Fisher 4th July 2016
I thoroughly enjoyed my interview on BBC Essex’s Tony Fisher live today. This was a follow up to my February interview on the same programme, when we discussed book 1 of my trilogy, They Do Things Differently Here. I was delighted to hear that he had read Dust and Shadows (book 2) all the way through. […] more…
BBC Essex Interview Scheduled for 4th July
Good news! Another interview with Tony Fisher live on BBC Essex Monday 4th July to discuss Dust and Shadows, book 2 of The Invisible College trilogy. more…
Steady Sales of Dust and Shadows Continue
#DustandShadows, Book 2 of my Invisible College Trilogy, still in a respectable position in Amazon rankings more…
The Invisible College Trilogy: Sales Rankings
In common with most authors, I am obsessed with indications of sales figures of my books, not for the royalties, but as confirmation that they are gaining a greater audience. I have quickly learnt that selling books is like selling any other commodity: if no-one is aware your product exists, then no-one is going to buy […] more…
Win a Copy of They Do Things Differently Here with Goodreads
Goodreads Book Giveaway They Do Things Differently Here by Owen W Knight Giveaway ends April 03, 2016. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway more…