Steady Sales of Dust and Shadows Continue
#DustandShadows, Book 2 of my Invisible College Trilogy, still in a respectable position in Amazon rankings more…
The Invisible College Trilogy: Stocked by Red Lion Books, Colchester
Good to see my books ‘They Do Things Differently Here’ and ‘Dust and Shadows’ in stock at the excellent Red Lion Books, Colchester. In good company too! more…
The Invisible College Trilogy: Sales Rankings
In common with most authors, I am obsessed with indications of sales figures of my books, not for the royalties, but as confirmation that they are gaining a greater audience. I have quickly learnt that selling books is like selling any other commodity: if no-one is aware your product exists, then no-one is going to buy […] more…
The Invisible College: Article in Local Magazine
I have had a short article, publicising my trilogy, published in a local magazine (click on link, and download Danbury April 2016 pdf. Page 19). Although only a local magazine, it is printed in a glossy format and is delivered to 4,000 homes. more…
Encouraging Response to My Goodreads Giveaway
Encouraged by the interest in my Goodreads giveaway for book 1 of The Invisible College trilogy. Am optimistic that it might result in sales. Most recent giveaways All of your giveaways They Do Things Differently … 801 people requested it status: approved ends: April 03, 2016 11:59PM more…
Win a Copy of They Do Things Differently Here with Goodreads
Goodreads Book Giveaway They Do Things Differently Here by Owen W Knight Giveaway ends April 03, 2016. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway more…
The Search for Planet 9, Formerly Known as Planet X
Evidence suggests a huge ninth planet exists past Pluto at the solar system’s edge. Planet 9, or Planet X as it was previously called, before the eviction of Pluto from the international astronomers’ approved list of planets, plays a significant role in the latter stages of Dust and Shadows and A Perilous Journey, books 2 […] more…
The Invisible College Trilogy: Last Chance to Listen to My BBC Essex Interview
My BBC Essex interview by Tony Fisher on 22nd January is available here, at 3 hours 14 minutes in, for just a few more days. It provides some background to the trilogy story and some clues to how the plot will develop in Book 2, Dust and Shadows, published 10th February 2016. During the course of our […] more…
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