Reflection: A View from the Bridge
This unusual view of the Severn Crossing, taken by my daughter, Emily Knight of Bristol Bites, has an immediate visual impact for a number of different reasons, most notably for its composition. The picture, taken on an iPhone6, is dominated by the car wing mirror but, curiously, this feature quickly becomes invisible. The eye is […] more…
The Roman Ruins of Volubilis, Morocco
Before visiting Morocco in May 2016, I had not heard of Volubilis, a partially-excavated Berber and Roman city in Morocco situated near Meknès, between Fès and Rabat. It is believed to be the ancient capital of the kingdom of Mauritania. In addition to being an interesting visit in its own right, the journey to Volubilis, whether from Fès or […] more…
Win a Copy of ‘They Do Things Differently Here’
For a chance to win a free copy of They Do Things Differently Here, book 1 of my The Invisible College Trilogy, visit my Facebook page: more…
YALC and London Film & Comic Con July 2016
I decided to visit the Young Adult Literature Convention at Olympia with the intention of networking and distributing publicity materials for my The Invisible College Trilogy. The main objective was to gain additional publicity, particularly with the imminent publication of book 3, A Perilous Journey (details to follow). The convention is now in its third year. It is an offshoot of […] more…
Writer’s Block on Maldon Saint FM 14th July 2016
Last Thursday, 14th July, I was invited on to Sarah Banham‘s Writer’s Block programme on Maldon Saint FM 94.7 to discuss They Do Things Differently Here, book 1 of my The Invisible College trilogy of dystopian novels for young adults. I discovered both the programme and the station earlier this year, as a result of a […] more…
My Author Talk to Pupils at Chelmsford County High School, July 2016
I was delighted to have been invited to Chelmsford County High School for Girls earlier this month to give two talks to groups of year sevens on my The Invisible College trilogy for young adults. I have visited the grammar school on many occasions, as two of my daughters, Emily and Hannah, attended, progressing to […] more…
Dust and Shadows Available from Essex Libraries
Good to see Dust and Shadows, book 2 of my The Invisible College trilogy, displayed in a prominent position in Chelmsford library. more…
Maldon Saint FM Interview with Sarah Banham, ‘Writer’s Block’, Scheduled for 14th July
I will be discussing They Do Things Differently Here and Dust and Shadows, books 1/2 of my Invisible College Trilogy with Sarah Banham Thurs 14 July 7pm on Writer’s Block, Maldon Saint FM radio 94.7. Listen online more…
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