Writer’s Block Local Radio Show: 5th Anniversary, 3rd May 2017
It was a pleasure to be invited onto the fifth anniversary edition of Sarah Banham’s Writer’s Block radio show on Saint FM yesterday. I only became aware of the programme last year and was surprised to find a community radio programme dedicated to local authors. Writing is an often solitary occupation, which is fine for most of […] more…
BBC Radio Essex Interview 24th November 2016
Thoroughly enjoyed being on @TonyFisherlive on BBC Essex yesterday. The radio interview is on BBC Radio iPlayer http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04d9h28 between 02:11:15 and 02:30:35 The Invisible College Trilogy (They Do Things Differently Here, Dust and Shadows, A Perilous Journey) is in stock at Waterstones in Chelmsford and Cambridge and Red Lion Books, Colchester. It can be ordered from any independent bookseller, Blackwells, Foyles and Amazon. more…
BBC Essex Interview Scheduled for 2pm Thursday 24th November
Looking forward to chatting with Tony Fisher on BBC Radio Essex at 2pm tomorrow, Thursday 24th November. My books are in stock at Waterstones Chelmsford, Red Lion Books and Waterstones Cambridge. more…
A Perilous Journey, Book 3 of The Invisible College Trilogy, Published
A Perilous Journey, book three of my The Invisible College Trilogy, is now available to purchase from independent booksellers, as well as Amazon, Waterstones, Blackwells, Foyles. At the time of writing (Tuesday 4th October), Amazon lists only the Kindle version, although the paperback will be shown as available within the next few days. Those readers who have […] more…
Draft Cover for A Perilous Journey, the Final Book in The Invisible College Trilogy
Today I received the draft cover design for A Perilous Journey, book three of my The Invisible College trilogy. The background theme is consistent with books one and two: They Do Things Differently Here and Dust and Shadows. The differences are in the predominant colour and the front cover insert. I expected my publisher to […] more…
The Invisible College Book 3, A Perilous Journey, Out Soon
Book written, editing complete and now with my publisher for layout formatting, A Perilous Journey, book 3 of my The Invisible College trilogy, will be published within a couple of weeks. And so at last – readers of books 1 and 2, They Do Things Differently Here and Dust and Shadows, will be able to […] more…
A Perilous Journey, Book 3 of The Invisible College Trilogy, Available September 2016
I have just returned the final edits to my publisher of A Perilous Journey, book 3 of my The Invisible College trilogy. It’s looking good for a mid-September publication date, with a Waterstones Chelmsford signing scheduled for 8th October. Books 1 and 2 are available from booksellers and my Amazon page more…