October 2014: An Owl Makes an Impression
An owl flew into our bedroom window. We know this from the greasy imprint it left behind. We don’t know when it happened and we assume it was uninjured, as no trace of flesh or feathers was found beneath. Presumably the cats would have left some trace, had they eaten it. Unless, of course, a […] more…
June 2014: Riffhams, Danbury, Essex
I am fortunate to live a few hundred metres from a footpath crossing the grounds of Riffhams, which offers one of the most attractive garden landscapes in Essex. Three times week it provides me with with the inspiration to keep going on my morning run. The house was built in 1815; Humphrey Repton was called […] more…
April 2014: Blake’s Wood, Essex
I spend a lot of time in the countryside, both in the UK and elsewhere, whether as a holidaying visitor, accompanying my partner, or walking or running. Some plants, trees, birds and animals I can identify and recognise, although not being able to name them does not diminish the pleasure. It seems a good idea […] more…
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