The Invisible College Trilogy: Publisher Contract Signed
This week I received the signed copy of my publisher contract. I was delighted that the accompanying message included the comment: ‘Your trilogy is likely to be our most exciting project for 2014.’ Volumes I and II are complete and have been delivered. I hope both will be published during 2014. A major life event! […] more…
Volume II – Dust and Shadows
Volume II of The Invisible College Trilogy is complete and has been delivered to the publisher. Further announcements within the next few days. more…
The Invisible College: Volume I Editing Scheduled for July 2013
Excellent news! My publisher has confirmed she will be starting work on The Invisible College next month. more…
Volume I – They Do Things Differently Here
Volume I of The Invisible College, my trilogy of conspiracy novels for young adults, has been accepted for publication in 2015. Visit this site regularly for updates, excerpts and comments on the themes of the book, my passions and interesting ephemera. more…
Reading List: Source Material for The Invisible College
The following is a selection of sources of material for the trilogy. Religions of Rome: Volume II, A Sourcebook, Cambridge University Press 1998, by Mary Beard, John North and Simon Price The translation of the Aretalogy of Isis is reproduced by kind permission of Mary Beard and John North. How To Lie With Maps by […] more…
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